Pulse Songs

It is important for each child to develop a secure sense of pulse and for some, this may take a great deal of time. A good sense of pulse is a crucial first step for anyone involved in music making and it needs to be developed as early as possible in a child’s musical education, so take plenty of opportunities for pulse activities.

Make sure that the pulse is well-established before you begin, and help everyone to start together by singing ‘Off we go’ on the starting note.

It is also useful to reinforce the pulse aurally with a drum or castanet and to encourage the children to tap the pulse on their knees (unless other actions are indicated by the song).

Unless a song requires a specific action, such as clapping, try to use different actions for pulse and rhythm to help the children to distinguish between them, e.g.

Pulse – tap the knees

Rhythm – tap with two fingers on the palm of the hand